domingo, 13 de junio de 2010

African Cup (Yahoo)

For one month the World will know near the penetrating and so famous sound of the vuvuzelas, special cornets that when sound together may affect the ears similar to that of a near passing plane, or it will be heard until you are fed up with the “Waka Waka” of the Colombian Shakira, the official song of the World Championship that starts this week, ending finally, with the anxiety of thousands millions of the World inhabitants.

There is nothing as football, the principal sign of humanity, much more than a mere sport, with meanings that over passed even many religions. The ceremony of delivering the Cup does not seem a liturgics act? The great Spanish analyst Vicente Verdú sustains in his book (football, myths, rites and symbols) that a goal is nothing else but “the return to the village to narrate to the neighbors the success obtained on the other side of the line of lime”

But this World Championship of South Africa has something special, different of the others. It is the first one in the submerged continent, far away and where South Africa suffered enormous damages as to live in a regime as that of Apartheid, lucky to be now history but it brought innumerous racial and social conflicts of which they try to get out.

With the symbol of the old Nelson Mandela, of ninety two years, one of the clue personages of the modern history, ex prisoner during twenty seven years in the prison of Robben Island (where he saw how the negroes played football in their free hour) to get out later and without vengeance to arrive to preside the country and obtain the Peace Nobel Prize, South Africa will surely try with its team of the Bafana Bafana, to establis a hit for the Africans.

The situation is other although it is intended at almost to create a climate of the already mythical rugby World Championship 1995 that with Mandela at the head obtained to join a nation around another sport. Today, fifteen years later, all the Rights have been equaled and the one that presides the box is Jacob Zuma, a president arrived through election, pursued for supposed corruption actions, among which there are exaggerated expenses and without control by the Organizing Committee of the World Championship (LOC).

This will be the World Championship of the negroes, as the other meant of the equality. The negroes are the oppressed in the past, those who continue working for the meal in many cases, or for commissions without salary, those who decidedly back the Bafana Bafana.

But it may be also the opportunity to allow the country to grow in infrastructures and transport, though the works did not arrive in time and make doubt for some moment the authorities of the FIFA on the practicability to organize a contest here.

As it is officially informed, South Africa may reach to increase in a 0,4 per cent the consume thanks to the arrival of three hundred thousand tourists of the whole World.

The South African psychologist Geryling Viljoen maintains with regard to this World Championship, it will demonstrate “whether we are able to receive a challenge to present something like this to the whole world. It will mean, though for a time, an end to the recession. The human beings always need some anti dote against the stress and the World’s Cup is the most possible distraction.”

Nic Dawes, great analyst of the “Mail & Guardian” of Johannesburg, maintains in his editorials that “in offices and supermarkets, in airports and in the police stations and the hospitals, in all parts there shine the same colors, without any clear location. It is a message that we do not need give it to our team. It is for those who are not South African thus they understand that we are all together in this and it is necessary to insist in the solidarity and in understanding that it is possible to build a building with different materials, it is not necessary that all must be the same”.

South Africa has already won its World Championship because they could already organize it with its virtues and defects and though it is very probable that the African Continent will delay much to have an opportunity as this one, with all the cost same implies with the two hundred fifty thousand Dollar monthly of the salary for the Brazilian Carlos Parreira, who returned as coach after the failure of the defensive game of his country man Joel Santana, and when nobody imagined that he will come back to occupy the bench of substitute of the Bafana Bafana.

“My family needs me, specially my wife. They need me near and after thirty six years of marriage, I cannot say no”, said in that moment, when he renounced. Now, he accepted to return and he already could maintain to be undefeated in twelve matches, though only in March he declared that the team has no identity and to get it “the ball must be put against the ground and to use our technique”, Parreira told them that the situation of the South African team “is similar to a bottle only with the thirty per cents completed and the rest is what we have to put by ourselves, step by step”.

Today, Parreira says that there is already an identity, and not only may it be seen in the stadium but in any street of Johannesburg or Pretoria. The majority walks with the vest yellow with green straps of the Bafana Bafana.

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